Short term || Ongoing || Long Term || completed since 2011
Short term 2016
- complete 800' track expansion including a trestle
- screw in the top planks on the cribbing
- Tunnel
- buy and install
- Add lumber to the metal track at the archery gate to protect rails when vehicles/horses cross.
- ( treated wood from Valley; 1x6x12' in centre; two pieces 1x3x12' on sides; held to the wood ties with 2" treated deck screws)
- Repair the waterwheel: calk the tank, replace the dual-pump plumbing (in hand by Mike Lister)
- Tunnel
- make the tracks for the two steam bay trestles
- get logs and make stakes for the flat car to make it available as a log car for Forestry Heritage displays,
- sides on the bridge in the loop
- Fabricate Ties, connectors and rail as needed
- Track/Fence Repair/improvement; lawn cutting
- Rolling stock maintenance and minor upgrades
- improve Model Environment
- more Picnic tables or benches
Long Term
- new Donkey to the park
- new shed or 10' shed extension
- additional benches or picnic tables
- Water Wheel upgrade - add a flume; or a simulated creek under the bridge with water circulated back
- Water barrel to connect to the evestrough on the shed and provide an elevated water source for visiting steam engines;
- More Track expansion -
- get approvals
- flag-tape some new possible track expansion routes; transit/mark the elevation changes
- Electricity in the Shed (costing first)
- Steam Outline Climax Loco
- Train Station
Please contact Dave Florence to update/correct this plan/status report. Dan and chief engineer will approve projects/plans/priorities.
We need volunteer team leaders to take on projects.
Summary since railroad started in 2011
o 2016
- Jan - March
- began track expansion
- Loc maintenance
- April - June
- July-Sep
- Installed the solar system
- added mesh to the shed gutters, leveled some track
- Jan - June
- completed two hand cars (total now four)
- completed loco mods including air horn (now brass, not red); compressor, battery
- made tall Switch Levers for the station switch and loop switch to
- ensure movable rail is firmly held to the selected side using springs, and
- provide the engineer an indication which way it's set
o 2014
- Oct - Dec
- Wheelchair car: improve stability by adjusting truck clearance and add stronger springs
- Locomotive: reduce vibration; fabricate new forward/reverse johnson bar; mount the light (Stephen); add a battery, horn
- Hand Cars: stabilized with improved suspension system
- fixed carburetor and other maintenance on Linda Parsons' yellow speeder which has been offered to the PRFHS on loan as our backup locomotive
- July-Sep
- Float for Sea Fair parade;
- Wheelchair car;
- Leveled the track in the Wye and station;
- repaired loco rewind and johnson bar (temporary)
- Jan-June:
- shed extension for hydraulic lift
- Locomotive: new cone drive fabricated from hockey pucks
- Our initial two hand cars completed
- ride-astride-car #3 completed
- bell for the train crossing finalized
o 2013
- July: completed the 3rd track through the shed; replaced rough track; mulched the garden
- June: installed second rail in the station for Hand Cars; installed water wheel; added silhouettes
- May: began Hand Cars; installed 3rd rail in the shed; improved bridge; began regular Sunday operations; obtained crests and engineer caps
- Jan to April: Built the Shed; improved the 0-6-0
o 2012
- Oct-Nov: Planted the Y Garden; began Trestle extension; obtained usedT&G flooring for rough lumber
- Sep 25 - Planning meeting minutes (init1al plan) ; operated Fall Fair
- July-Sept: completed 800' track expansion with Y; Rail Crossing sign; operated July 1
- Jan to Jun: restored the 0-6-0 Locomotive and cars; began track expansion
o 2011
- Dec: Procured the "Nanaimo" train and track
- August-Sept: Planned the loop and built it; rode 900 at the fall fair
Plan for New Donkey to the Park
• Plan: we should move Donkey from Dan's parking area. Steam donkeys such as ours were used in Agriculture to clear trees for farm land.
• Status: Aug 29, 2013: email sent to PRes Ag Assn asking for item to be on the agenda. Still awaiting response
• ideas:
o best long term location might be in front of the new combined museum (many, many years away)
o for several years (or forever); locate behind the loop to make it a feature of the train ride (non-interfering with other park users)
o log skids at the park could be rough and ready
o un-bolt the steam cylinder from the frame to move it in two more manageable pieces
• Action:
o see the donkey restoration project
research the history of the donkey (Dave)
o discuss concept at Agriculture board and PEPS (Ken)
o plan how to separate the boiler from the frame to make it liftable on available hiabs etc
o Design and source the Log skids
o Design and source what missing pieces should be added and restoration/refurbishment
• Schedule: As time is available
Picnic table and Park benchs
• Plan: For viewer of the train, it would be nice to add more benches and picnic tables near the track, and in the shade-grove west of the ticket tent
• Status:
• ideas:
o get a design and build with volunteer labour using donated yellow cedar or use some lumber stored above the food barn (these to be owned by the Ag Assn)
o or find a sponsor, or buy them;
• Schedule: As time is available.
• Plan: If the 0-6-0 engine and friction drive wear out, one option is to convert it to electricity; perhaps after September 2014.
We'd need power in the shed to recharge overnight (could agree to not using power during the day if daytime power is scarce; n/a if full circuit provided).
Or, if a back-up electric locomotive came our way suddenly, we'd want to accelerate the schedule.
• Status: Ag rep's initial assessment Aug 2013: We think the simplest method is to run a 240V 20 or 30 Amp 1 Ø service underground from the Food barn to the train shed. That would give you enough power for a big battery charger if you get an electric Locie. We would use an off the shelf secondary power meter as suggested by Dave F for segregating the power costs. If this is still of interest let me know I will get it put through at the next Ag board meeting. I would think most of the work (trenching & installation) could be PRFM members to minimize your costs.
Integrated trenching possibility Ken Day Aug 7: There is a good chance that we will be doing some trenching onsite, in the next two months, to install a pumped sewer line from the caretaker trailer to the AG septic field distribution box (located in the corral triangle near the train passenger unloading area). We’re also looking at doing the same for the grey water from the Food Barn. This may be a good time, while the equipment is on site, to put in the U/G cable to the train shed.:
• Action:
o Ken Day: seek approval-in-principal from the Ag Board for a 2014/2015 implementation; and advise leadtime needed to approve the detailed plan when prepared.
o Ken Day: Investigate trenching techniques and possible integration with other projects for whatever foodbarn-to-shed route Ag decides
o Since implementation is at least a year away, look for other places in the park that may need electricity and explore the possibility of combining other requirements
o do a cost and labour estimate Direct-burial cable is about $1/ft; possible wholesale quote through an Ag member.
o Plan on using a simple sub-meter (- under $100), and pay the hydro usage to Ag Assn
• Schedule: get plan complete by Jan 2014; for implementation in late 2014 or 2015
Rain Barrel to connect to Eve troughs/downspout for the shed
• Issue: drips cause sand splash on the shed wall (DONE). Remainder is to add a rain barrel for steam train use
• Integrate with the load unload facility.
• Later Add-on: , a raised water barrel for visiting steam trains would be functional and enhance the railway environment. It would interrupt the downs spout; high enough on a stand for gravity feed to the steam locomotives.
• Plan:
o Buy and install eves trough on both sides. Done
o Position the downspout so it could later be routed through a rain barrel
• Status:
o approved at Ag/PRRD/railway section meeting re shed extension for the load point Aug 6 2013
o Eves trough Completed Winter 2013/14
o Will need a rain barrel. Ideally an old wine barrel, but these are hard to find.
o Could use a plastic garbage tin and encase it in cedar board-batten
0-6-0 Locomotive upgrades
• Plan: if engine lasts and friction drive survives, will leave the locomotive as a gas machine , possibly indefinitely with new engine.
Alternative is to convert it to electric after the 2014 season
• Status: friction drive replaced with rubber; a brake-lining version on the way;
• to do:
- Vacuum brake compressor running off the battery
• Done:
o Design/build: (Stephen/Dan)
Horn, Light addition; (battery in the loco);
--Johnson Bar for reverse/forward gear selection;
- Bell re-location further forward to permit full ringing; and added lever rather than string to ring it,
- Emergency Brake latch, -Throttle control extension
- Gearing change to permit higher speed with low RPMs;
- several versions of Drive cone material tried - Plastic, Rubber (spring 2014)
- Drive cone mount rebuilt for easier changes of the drive cone
Track/Fence Repair/improvement
• Plan: Maintain or improve the existing 800’ of track
• Status: Ongoing
o continue checking level-ness of track and adjusting ballast as needed (team)
• Action:
• Done:
o added the final 60' to connect the 3rd rail in the shed to the switch
o added 2nd rail at the station for the hand cars
o installed cribbing and material near the trestle to stop sloughing and make safer
o added guard rails ½” inside current rails on the trestle and station Y to prevent derail (welded)
o expanded the trestle bridge structure laterally to include a safety walk-along side (in conjunction with cribbing and widening of the railbed near the trestle) (team)
o got rope from the Mavins and re-roped the fence (team)
• Schedule: as time permits
Fabricate Ties and rail as needed
• Plan:
o Continue using yellow cedar ties unless volunteer labour scarce; in that case buy plastic ties
o Fabricate new rail with fasteners cut/welded as needed
• Status:
o Have several logs at Read English's place
o Olympic Log Sort Ltd has provided ends of yellow cedar now stored at PR Forest Products Ltd for cutting (May 29/13)
o bought 2000' rail in Dec 2012; need angle iron
• Action: When needed: Getplanks from PR Forest Products and Fabricate ties. (team)
Gates/electronics for Railway crossing
• Plan: Improve the current system with manual gates.
Gates would be left open for horses, people and cars to cross except when the train is running through the crossing
• Status:
o Sign in place at the park; lights/electronics/battery purchased, tested, stored on site and deployed weekly
o Note gates may not be a priority if the roping system (sign with pedestrian access arrow) becomes popular
• Action:
o Reduce the width to 11’ by moving the fence posts (team)
o Louder bell needed for the crossing. Get the proper card for the new loud bell (Doug)
o Build two manual lift gates; install each on its own post (see design here)
• Schedule:2014
• Done:
o Complete the bell and lights system with remote; obtain a louder bell (Doug)
• Plan: Build second locomotive to ensure availability of at least one on important run days. Make it look like our logo; a 45 ton Climax as per the Kozo book. Use Battery technology with sound package.
• Status: ideas here
• Action:
o Copy Dan’s Kozo book and make it available (Dave)
o Research availability of gears (Dave)
• Schedule: Design/Build in 2013/2014/2015 as time/funding permits
Long Term Track expansion
• Plan: PEPS decided July 15 2013 that the train would not run south of the food barn/vendor row.
• Status: Details about expanding track are here
• Action: We will develop another plan at some point
• Schedule: as time permits
Historic Railway Story Board
• Plan: Build a story board structure like at the steam donkey, with content like this
• Action: Define the project
• Schedule: as time permits
Train Station
• Plan: We could build one at the Y where we load; or anywhere else consistent with track expansion decisions.
• Status: ideas stage only. Hope to make a show case building with a shake roof
o Two tracks at the station
o Concrete slabs under tracks and station, all one level
o Roof over tracks for rainy loads
o Multi purpose space so others could use it when not in use as a station
o Lock-up cupboard for signs, ropes, chairs etc
• Action:
• Schedule: as time permits
Water Wheel upgrade
• Plan: Build a mock stream under the bridge with a water wheel at the bottom
o or ... build a flume coming out of the trees to drive the water wheel
• Status: purchased Ron Hilleren's water wheel and stored it on site early June
o Jerry painted on Sikkens preserver
• Action:
o check out 12v pumps
o design flume and other decide installation ideas
• Schedule: as time permits
Model Environment
• Plan: We'd like to enhance the ride by having model buildings, (agricultural connection, mock logging operations, animal silhouettes, etc), along the route; such as the building we borrowed from the Parsons for fall fair.
o If theft/vandalism is a high risk, items could be brought only for significant ride days.
o For Agricultural connection, could include a grain elevator beside the track (Ken Day )
o idea: move the new donkey near the loop
• Status: The Railway Crossing was our first item
• Action: find volunteer builders, approve the project by the railway section, and fund the material (always donated labour)
• Schedule: as time permits
Used T&G lumber/Blocks for cribbing/trestles
• Plan: Move by truck to behind/between the Quonsets ASAP from donators Jim/Ruth Stephens
• Done: 1 load there Sep 26/2012; moved to a new location Nov 23
• Action:
o call work parties as needed for more (Dan's or Bob's trailer)
• Schedule: note resource may not be there past 2012
• Completed/Closed
Rail for track expansion
• Plan: Purchase/stockpile 2000’ of rail for wherever we expand to over the next few years
• Status:
o PRFMS approved at the Oct 30 meeting
o Dan arranged free transport by City Transfer
• Action:
o Order rail and angle iron, select storage location (Dan)
o As track is needed, cut 4" angle iron, mill it square, weld to 20' track pieces, and drill connecting holes (team)
• Completed/Closed
Steamer Bays
• Plan: build steamer bays near the load-unload point
o first one could be near the shed as positioned here sketch
o second one could e further from the shed and connect to tracks past the tree
(could use a trestle to keep above the root ball)
• Status: reviewing ideas
• Action: When ready, take to Ag Association for expanded use of ground around tree
Long Term Track expansion
• Plan: On hold until guidance received from the Agricultural Association
• Status: Details about expanding track are here
• Action:
• Schedule: as time permits, 2014 at the earliest
Train Station
• Plan: A post and roof structure to avoid pitching the tent each week; provide some storage and display space.
We could build one at the Y where we loaded for Fall Fair 2012, or if a double track through the station is desired, could build it east of the Shed, where it would be less congested than on the Y.
• Status: ideas stage only
• Action:
• Schedule: as time permits
Improved Equipment Load/Unload (completed)
• Plan: add a hydraulic lift table to the load-unload facility, and make shed-lean-to to house it
o photo story here
• Status:
• Done:
o complete brackets, mount wheels; re-design pump lever to the long side
o build two 36" gauge track (one @10'; one at 6') with metal ties; one for in-ground, one connects during use
o complete the dis-mountable 7' piece angle-iron track (metal ties) to hold cars being transported. (stored in the shed when not in use)
o Sep 8 - inserted the correct length rail at the load point; re-set the ties revised sketch - layout as built
o Sep 7 -straightened the load point square with the shed; installed the track photo story here
o Sep 3 - Lift and track complete
o Aug 27 Axels/housings mated; upper track built 80%; lower brackets almost done
o Aug 20 Design done (Dan); Polyurethane wheels off, handle off; 4" iron rail-car wheels reconditioned; axels/housing parts built; brackets started
o Aug 16 Lift arrived
o Aug 13 ULift funding ($1000) approved (PRFMS)
o Aug 6 siting approved (onsite review -Day-Gisborne);
• To do:
o integrate with the eves trough/downspout/rain barrel (later)
• Schedule: operational by fall fair 2013; shed afterwards
The “Y” Garden
• Plan: Make a raised garden in the centre of the “Y”; with material and initial heavy lifting provided by PRFMS volunteers.
• Springtime Garden Centre has donated plants
• Next:
o If needed: Approach T&R for rocks; Adams for Mulch (Dan)
o Thank you letter to nursery and others (Dave)
• Done:
o Early Nov 2012. - Hans, Laura, Carol , Bob planted the donated shrubs in the Y garden
o Moved in Soil / Rocks Saturday Oct 6 (Dan, team)
o Kept the donated plants healthy. (Laura/bob Johnson moved them to their place until planted)
• Schedule: Soil in place Oct 6, complete this fall
• Completed/Closed
Hand cars (completed)
• Plan: Build two more to meet the high demand (and avoid borrowing Dan's)
• Status: COMPLETE. Stored onsite in the shed
• Action:
• Done:
o hand cranks, chain drive fabricated for one hand car
o wooden pedestals built sep 10
o Dan built 1" axel and machined to the fit 3/4" wheel hole and the bearings;
o lower wooden platforms built May 28
o 8 wheels purchased in April; Bearings are arrived in June
• Schedule: built one for fall fair, the second over the winter
New Ride Car (completed)
• Plan: Use the trucks from the last remaining “Nanaimo” hopper car for a new ride car; either Flat car or Drop centre; about 7’ to fit in pickup trucks and negotiate tight curves.
o Consider Vacuum brakes (will need to outfit the tender with a battery/compressor)
• Status: Hopper restored; trucks available
• Action:
o Complete the design/plans for the flat car (Dan/Stephen)
o Build the ride car (team)
• Schedule: Build in 2013/2014 as time/funding permits
Used T&G lumber/Blocks for cribbing/trestles
• Plan: Move by truck to behind/between the Quonsets ASAP from donators Jim/Ruth Stephens
• Done: 1 load there Sep 26/2012; moved to a new location Nov 23
• Action:
o call work parties as needed for more (Dan's or Bob's trailer)
• Schedule: note resource may not be there past 2012
• Completed/Closed
Shed to store the Rolling Stock onsite (completed)
• Plan: Build a shed over the double tracks by the equipment load facility, keeping in mind we may move the shed after a year as needs evolve.
o History: Valley Building Supplies donated almost all of the material. Lois Lumber supported with discounted siding;
o Doug Lott led the implementation team Bill of materials
o Walls built Jan 19; trusses done Tues Jan 22; Forms in Feb 9; walls up Feb 16; trusses up Feb 23; Metal roof on Mar 2/4; Siding on March 19; Doors and battens in April
o Siding was purchased discounted from Lois Lumber and stored on-site in the Agricultural Assn Quonset over the winter
• Completed/Closed
Rail for track expansion (completed)
• Plan: Purchase/stockpile 2000’ of rail for wherever we expand to over the next few years
• Status:
o PRFMS approved at the Oct 30 meeting
o Dan arranged free transport by City Transfer
• Action:
o Order rail and angle iron, select storage location (Dan)
o As track is needed, cut 4" angle iron, mill it square, weld to 20' track pieces, and drill connecting holes (team)
• Completed/Closed
Shed to store the Rolling Stock onsite (completed)
• Plan: Build a shed over the double tracks by the equipment load facility, keeping in mind we may move the shed after a year as needs evolve.
o History: Valley Building Supplies donated almost all of the material. Lois Lumber supported with discounted siding;
o Doug Lott led the implementation team Bill of materials
o Walls built Jan 19; trusses done Tues Jan 22; Forms in Feb 9; walls up Feb 16; trusses up Feb 23; Metal roof on Mar 2/4; Siding on March 19; Doors and battens in April
o Siding was purchased discounted from Lois Lumber and stored on-site in the Agricultural Assn Quonset over the winter
• Completed/Closed
0-6-0 Locomotive upgrades (completed)
• Plan: leave the locomotive as a gas machine for next year, possibly indefinitely with new engine
• Status: Bell move underway Oct 23; Johnson Bar upgrade underway mid November
• Action:
o Design/build: (Stephen/Dan)
--Johnson Bar for reverse/forward gear selection;
- Bell re-location further forward to permit full ringing; and added lever rather than string to ring it,
- Emergency Brake latch,
-Throttle control extension
- Horn, Light addition; (battery in the Tender);
- Vacuum brake compressor running off the battery
- Gearing change to permit higher speed with low RPMs;
o Order parts and Install upgrades (Stephen/Dan)
• Completed/Closed
Engineer Caps for Sale (completed)
• Plan:
o Procure caps for sale on Train-ride days. Buy in the US, bring to Powell River as needed (Dave)
• Status:
o 108 engineer caps purchased Novelty hats not suitable (have 72..@$1.57)
o Seagull International hat excellent (bought 36 at $3.00)
o bought 300 patches at
o 300 fully-embroidered 2 3/4" patches iron-on at $.67 each; suitable for either a ball cap or the engineer cap or a shirt.
• Schedule - buy more when needed
• Completed/Closed
Fix Caboose derail problem (completed)
• Plan: 19” wheelbase is acceptable; perhaps it’s just a weight problem
• Status:
• Action: Replace the concrete block with steel plates front and back so kids can ride; then test
Minor Items completed original 2011 plan (completed)
• Done:
● added a few more signs (keep off the track; safety procedures sign; ,,....)
● fixed the dip in the east Y switch. (re-set pin , add a tie)
● re-positioned two posts and signage so the exit and entrance gates are reversed, which put the tent closer to the OAM during operations
● slotted 300 more ties for the next rail work aug 27
● built cradles for logs for the 50' rope span south of the railway crossing
● completed the connecting rail for the 3rd rail from shed to loop
● bought spikes for 3 doors bottoms, drilled holes for the spikes; added pipes in the ground to hold doors open and closed
o ground end of Mike's donated pry bar rod; installed one more scoop of mulch for the garden; replaced rough rail near the station;
June 30 Animal silhouettes as a surprise factor in the woods near the train installed
o June 18 heavy iron plate to replace bricks in the Caboose to make it ridable
o June 16 Water Wheel moved on site
o June 4 Dan, Mike, Hans, Bob, Doug and Dave installed the switch and replaced the track in the station; cut the grass; glued the Velcro on the tent valance; and Hans weeded the garden. Dan got confirmation that gravel is coming
o June 1 Moved the cedar pickets from the agriculture shed to Dave's for storage
o May 21 2013 - Dan/Mike built a switch for the 2nd track in the station and prepped some track for the shed track
Hand Car Track
• Plan: Installed a switch and second track at the station for the hand cars and second train on busy days.
Standardized the log size on the south end and elevate 6" to keep the cars back
• Action:
o build cradles for logs for the 50' span south of the railway crossing
o Move the posts and re-rope the area to include an extra 6' for the existing track in the station. Ropes will now go close to the existing log line.
(connect to the first Ag post that has tires at the bottom; leaving a good entrance for pedestrian traffic between the first two Ag posts with tires)
o Exchange larger logs on the south side where the 2nd track will be with small logs nearer the Archery fence
o Install the switch and extra track for both tracks, using weed cloth under the track
• Status: Received PEPS approval June 3;gravel coming June 6
since 2011
o 2013
July: completed the 3rd track through the shed; replaced rough track; mulched the garden
June: installed second rail in the station for Hand Cars; installed water wheel; added silhouettes
May: began Hand Cars; installed 3rd rail in the shed; improved bridge; began Sunday operations
Jan to April: Built the Shed; improved the 0-6-0
o 2012
Oct-Nov: Planted the Y Garden; began Trestle extension; obtained used flooring for rough lumber
Sep 25 - Planning meeting minutes (inital plan) (click); operated Fall Fair
July-Sept: completed 800' track expansion with Y; Rail Crossing sign; operated July 1
Jan to Jun: restored the 0-6-0 Locomotive and cars; began track expansion
o 2011
Dec: Procured the "Nanaimo" train and track
August-Sept: Planned the loop and built it; rode 900 at the fall fair
• Plan: we should move Donkey from Dan's parking area. Steam donkeys such as ours were used in Agriculture to clear trees for farm land.
• Status: Aug 29, 2013: email sent to PRes Ag Assn asking for item to be on the agenda. Still awaiting response
• ideas:
o best long term location might be in front of the new combined museum (many, many years away)
o for several years (or forever); locate behind the loop to make it a feature of the train ride (non-interfering with other park users)
o log skids at the park could be rough and ready
o un-bolt the steam cylinder from the frame to move it in two more manageable pieces
• Action:
o research the history of the donkey (Dave)
o discuss concept at Agriculture board and PEPS (Ken)
o plan how to separate the boiler from the frame to make it liftable on available hiabs etc
o Design and source the Log skids
o Design and source what missing pieces should be added and restoration/refurbishment
• Schedule: As time is available
• Plan: For viewer of the train, it would be nice to add benches and picnic tables near the track, and in the shade-grove west of the ticket tent
• Status:
• ideas:
o get a design and build with volunteer labour using donated yellow cedar or use some lumber stored above the food barn (these to be owned by the Ag Assn)
o or find a sponsor, or buy them;
• Schedule: As time is available.
• Plan: If the 0-6-0 engine and friction drive wear out, one option is to convert it to electricity; perhaps after September 2014.
We'd need power in the shed to recharge overnight (could agree to not using power during the day if daytime power is scarce; n/a if full circuit provided).
Or, if a back-up electric locomotive came our way suddenly, we'd want to accelerate the schedule.
• Status: Ag rep's initial assessment Aug 2013: We think the simplest method is to run a 240V 20 or 30 Amp 1 Ø service underground from the Food barn to the train shed. That would give you enough power for a big battery charger if you get an electric Locie. We would use an off the shelf secondary power meter as suggested by Dave F for segregating the power costs. If this is still of interest let me know I will get it put through at the next Ag board meeting. I would think most of the work (trenching & installation) could be PRFM members to minimize your costs.
Integrated trenching possibility Ken Day Aug 7: There is a good chance that we will be doing some trenching onsite, in the next two months, to install a pumped sewer line from the caretaker trailer to the AG septic field distribution box (located in the corral triangle near the train passenger unloading area). We’re also looking at doing the same for the grey water from the Food Barn. This may be a good time, while the equipment is on site, to put in the U/G cable to the train shed.:
• Action:
o Ken Day: seek approval-in-principal from the Ag Board for a 2014/2015 implementation; and advise leadtime needed to approve the detailed plan when prepared.
o Ken Day: Investigate trenching techniques and possible integration with other projects for whatever foodbarn-to-shed route Ag decides
o Since implementation is at least a year away, look for other places in the park that may need electricity and explore the possibility of combining other requirements
o do a cost and labour estimate Direct-burial cable is about $1/ft; possible wholesale quote through an Ag member.
o Plan on using a simple sub-meter (- under $100), and pay the hydro usage to Ag Assn
• Schedule: get plan complete by Jan 2014; for implementation in late 2014 or 2015
Rain Barrel to connect to for the shed
• Issue: drips cause sand splash on the shed wall (DONE). Remainder is to add a rain barrel for steam train use
• Integrate with the load unload facility.
• Later Add-on: , a raised water barrel for visiting steam trains would be functional and enhance the railway environment. It would interrupt the downs spout; high enough on a stand for gravity feed to the steam locomotives.
• Plan:
o Buy and install eves trough on both sides. Done
o Position the downspout so it could later be routed through a rain barrel
• Status:
o approved at Ag/PRRD/railway section meeting re shed extension for the load point Aug 6 2013
o Eves trough Completed Winter 2013/14
o Will need a rain barrel. Ideally an old wine barrel, but these are hard to find.
o Could use a plastic garbage tin and encase it in cedar board-batten
• Plan: if engine lasts and friction drive survives, will leave the locomotive as a gas machine , possibly indefinitely with new engine.
Alternative is to convert it to electric after the 2014 season
• Status: friction drive replaced with rubber; a brake-lining version on the way;
• to do:
- Horn, Light addition; (battery in the Tender);
- Vacuum brake compressor running off the battery
• Done:
o Design/build: (Stephen/Dan)
--Johnson Bar for reverse/forward gear selection;
- Bell re-location further forward to permit full ringing; and added lever rather than string to ring it,
- Emergency Brake latch, -Throttle control extension
- Gearing change to permit higher speed with low RPMs;
- several versions of Drive cone material tried - Plastic, Rubber (spring 2014)
- Drive cone mount rebuilt for easier changes of the drive cone
• Plan: Maintain or improve the existing 800’ of track
• Status: Ongoing
o continue checking level-ness of track and adjusting ballast as needed (team)
• Action:
• Done:
o added the final 60' to connect the 3rd rail in the shed to the switch
o added 2nd rail at the station for the hand cars
o installed cribbing and material near the trestle to stop sloughing and make safer
o added guard rails ½” inside current rails on the trestle and station Y to prevent derail (welded)
o expanded the trestle bridge structure laterally to include a safety walk-along side (in conjunction with cribbing and widening of the railbed near the trestle) (team)
o got rope from the Mavins and re-roped the fence (team)
• Schedule: as time permits
Fabricate and rail as needed
• Plan:
o Continue using yellow cedar ties unless volunteer labour scarce; in that case buy plastic ties
o Fabricate new rail with fasteners cut/welded as needed
• Status:
o Have several logs at Read English's place
o Olympic Log Sort Ltd has provided ends of yellow cedar now stored at PR Forest Products Ltd for cutting (May 29/13)
o bought 2000' rail in Dec 2012; need angle iron
• Action: When needed: Getplanks from PR Forest Products and Fabricate ties. (team)
Gates/electronics for
• Plan: Improve the current system with manual gates.
Gates would be left open for horses, people and cars to cross except when the train is running through the crossing
• Status:
o Sign in place at the park; lights/electronics/battery purchased, tested, stored on site and deployed weekly
o Note gates may not be a priority if the roping system (sign with pedestrian access arrow) becomes popular
• Action:
o Reduce the width to 11’ by moving the fence posts (team)
o Louder bell needed for the crossing. Get the proper card for the new loud bell (Doug)
o Build two manual lift gates; install each on its own post (see design here)
• Schedule:2014
• Done:
o Complete the bell and lights system with remote; obtain a louder bell (Doug)
• Plan: build a wheelchair accessible car
o Dan has contacted the welding class at SD47 to make the frame of the car for us
• Status: see our wheelchair page
o the Victoria VIME club is forwarding plans do Dan to refine for our needs (Dan)
o Wheels were procured
o Kiwanis has asked Gaming BC for funding
• Action:
o awaiting plans from Victoria
• Schedule: build in 2013/2014 as time/funding permits
“Steam Outline”
• Plan: Build second locomotive to ensure availability of at least one on important run days. Make it look like our logo; a 45 ton Climax as per the Kozo book. Use Battery technology with sound package.
• Status: ideas here
• Action:
o Copy Dan’s Kozo book and make it available (Dave)
o Research availability of gears (Dave)
• Schedule: Design/Build in 2013/2014/2015 as time/funding permits
• Plan: PEPS decided July 15 2013 that the train would not run south of the food barn/vendor row.
• Status: Details about expanding track are here
• Action: We will develop another plan at some point
• Schedule: as time permits
• Plan: Build a story board structure like at the steam donkey, with content like this
• Action: Define the project
• Schedule: as time permits
• Plan: We could build one at the Y where we load; or anywhere else consistent with track expansion decisions.
• Status: ideas stage only. Hope to make a show case building with a shake roof
o Two tracks at the station
o Concrete slabs under tracks and station, all one level
o Roof over tracks for rainy loads
o Multi purpose space so others could use it when not in use as a station
o Lock-up cupboard for signs, ropes, chairs etc
• Action:
• Schedule: as time permits
• Plan: Build a mock stream under the bridge with a water wheel at the bottom
o or ... build a flume coming out of the trees to drive the water wheel
• Status: purchased Ron Hilleren's water wheel and stored it on site early June
o Jerry painted on Sikkens preserver
• Action:
o check out 12v pumps
o design flume and other decide installation ideas
• Schedule: as time permits
• Plan: We'd like to enhance the ride by having model buildings, (agricultural connection, mock logging operations, animal silhouettes, etc), along the route; such as the building we borrowed from the Parsons for fall fair.
o If theft/vandalism is a high risk, items could be brought only for significant ride days.
o For Agricultural connection, could include a grain elevator beside the track (Ken Day )
o idea: move the new donkey near the loop
• Status: The Railway Crossing was our first item
• Action: find volunteer builders, approve the project by the railway section, and fund the material (always donated labour)
• Schedule: as time permits
Used for cribbing/trestles
• Plan: Move by truck to behind/between the Quonsets ASAP from donators Jim/Ruth Stephens
• Done: 1 load there Sep 26/2012; moved to a new location Nov 23
• Action:
o call work parties as needed for more (Dan's or Bob's trailer)
• Schedule: note resource may not be there past 2012
• Completed/Closed
for track expansion
• Plan: Purchase/stockpile 2000’ of rail for wherever we expand to over the next few years
• Status:
o PRFMS approved at the Oct 30 meeting
o Dan arranged free transport by City Transfer
• Action:
o Order rail and angle iron, select storage location (Dan)
o As track is needed, cut 4" angle iron, mill it square, weld to 20' track pieces, and drill connecting holes (team)
• Completed/Closed
• Plan: build steamer bays near the load-unload point
o first one could be near the shed as positioned here sketch
o second one could e further from the shed and connect to tracks past the tree
(could use a trestle to keep above the root ball)
• Status: reviewing ideas
• Action: When ready, take to Ag Association for expanded use of ground around tree
• Plan: On hold until guidance received from the Agricultural Association
• Status: Details about expanding track are here
• Action:
• Schedule: as time permits, 2014 at the earliest
• Plan: A post and roof structure to avoid pitching the tent each week; provide some storage and display space.
We could build one at the Y where we loaded for Fall Fair 2012, or if a double track through the station is desired, could build it east of the Shed, where it would be less congested than on the Y.
• Status: ideas stage only
• Action:
• Schedule: as time permits
• Plan: add a hydraulic lift table to the load-unload facility, and make shed-lean-to to house it
o photo story here
• Status:
• Done:
o complete brackets, mount wheels; re-design pump lever to the long side
o build two 36" gauge track (one @10'; one at 6') with metal ties; one for in-ground, one connects during use
o complete the dis-mountable 7' piece angle-iron track (metal ties) to hold cars being transported. (stored in the shed when not in use)
o Sep 8 - inserted the correct length rail at the load point; re-set the ties revised sketch - layout as built
o Sep 7 -straightened the load point square with the shed; installed the track photo story here
o Sep 3 - Lift and track complete
o Aug 27 Axels/housings mated; upper track built 80%; lower brackets almost done
o Aug 20 Design done (Dan); Polyurethane wheels off, handle off; 4" iron rail-car wheels reconditioned; axels/housing parts built; brackets started
o Aug 16 Lift arrived
o Aug 13 ULift funding ($1000) approved (PRFMS)
o Aug 6 siting approved (onsite review -Day-Gisborne);
• To do:
o integrate with the eves trough/downspout/rain barrel (later)
• Schedule: operational by fall fair 2013; shed afterwards
The “Y”
• Plan: Make a raised garden in the centre of the “Y”; with material and initial heavy lifting provided by PRFMS volunteers.
• Springtime Garden Centre has donated plants
• Next:
o If needed: Approach T&R for rocks; Adams for Mulch (Dan)
o Thank you letter to nursery and others (Dave)
• Done:
o Early Nov 2012. - Hans, Laura, Carol , Bob planted the donated shrubs in the Y garden
o Moved in Soil / Rocks Saturday Oct 6 (Dan, team)
o Kept the donated plants healthy. (Laura/bob Johnson moved them to their place until planted)
• Schedule: Soil in place Oct 6, complete this fall
• Completed/Closed
• Plan: Build two more to meet the high demand (and avoid borrowing Dan's)
• Status: COMPLETE. Stored onsite in the shed
• Action:
• Done:
o hand cranks, chain drive fabricated for one hand car
o wooden pedestals built sep 10
o Dan built 1" axel and machined to the fit 3/4" wheel hole and the bearings;
o lower wooden platforms built May 28
o 8 wheels purchased in April; Bearings are arrived in June
• Schedule: built one for fall fair, the second over the winter
• Plan: Use the trucks from the last remaining “Nanaimo” hopper car for a new ride car; either Flat car or Drop centre; about 7’ to fit in pickup trucks and negotiate tight curves.
o Consider Vacuum brakes (will need to outfit the tender with a battery/compressor)
• Status: Hopper restored; trucks available
• Action:
o Complete the design/plans for the flat car (Dan/Stephen)
o Build the ride car (team)
• Schedule: Build in 2013/2014 as time/funding permits
Used for cribbing/trestles
• Plan: Move by truck to behind/between the Quonsets ASAP from donators Jim/Ruth Stephens
• Done: 1 load there Sep 26/2012; moved to a new location Nov 23
• Action:
o call work parties as needed for more (Dan's or Bob's trailer)
• Schedule: note resource may not be there past 2012
• Completed/Closed
to store the Rolling Stock onsite (completed)
• Plan: Build a shed over the double tracks by the equipment load facility, keeping in mind we may move the shed after a year as needs evolve.
o History: Valley Building Supplies donated almost all of the material. Lois Lumber supported with discounted siding;
o Doug Lott led the implementation team Bill of materials
o Walls built Jan 19; trusses done Tues Jan 22; Forms in Feb 9; walls up Feb 16; trusses up Feb 23; Metal roof on Mar 2/4; Siding on March 19; Doors and battens in April
o Siding was purchased discounted from Lois Lumber and stored on-site in the Agricultural Assn Quonset over the winter
• Completed/Closed
for track expansion (completed)
• Plan: Purchase/stockpile 2000’ of rail for wherever we expand to over the next few years
• Status:
o PRFMS approved at the Oct 30 meeting
o Dan arranged free transport by City Transfer
• Action:
o Order rail and angle iron, select storage location (Dan)
o As track is needed, cut 4" angle iron, mill it square, weld to 20' track pieces, and drill connecting holes (team)
• Completed/Closed
to store the Rolling Stock onsite (completed)
• Plan: Build a shed over the double tracks by the equipment load facility, keeping in mind we may move the shed after a year as needs evolve.
o History: Valley Building Supplies donated almost all of the material. Lois Lumber supported with discounted siding;
o Doug Lott led the implementation team Bill of materials
o Walls built Jan 19; trusses done Tues Jan 22; Forms in Feb 9; walls up Feb 16; trusses up Feb 23; Metal roof on Mar 2/4; Siding on March 19; Doors and battens in April
o Siding was purchased discounted from Lois Lumber and stored on-site in the Agricultural Assn Quonset over the winter
• Completed/Closed
0-6-0 (completed)
• Plan: leave the locomotive as a gas machine for next year, possibly indefinitely with new engine
• Status: Bell move underway Oct 23; Johnson Bar upgrade underway mid November
• Action:
o Design/build: (Stephen/Dan)
--Johnson Bar for reverse/forward gear selection;
- Bell re-location further forward to permit full ringing; and added lever rather than string to ring it,
- Emergency Brake latch,
-Throttle control extension
- Horn, Light addition; (battery in the Tender);
- Vacuum brake compressor running off the battery
- Gearing change to permit higher speed with low RPMs;
o Order parts and Install upgrades (Stephen/Dan)
• Completed/Closed
for Sale (completed) • Plan: o Procure caps for sale on Train-ride days. Buy in the US, bring to Powell River as needed (Dave) • Status: o 108 engineer caps purchased Novelty hats not suitable (have 72..@$1.57) o Seagull International hat excellent (bought 36 at $3.00) o bought 300 patches at o 300 fully-embroidered 2 3/4" patches iron-on at $.67 each; suitable for either a ball cap or the engineer cap or a shirt. • Schedule - buy more when needed • Completed/Closed |
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derail problem (completed)
• Plan: 19” wheelbase is acceptable; perhaps it’s just a weight problem
• Status:
• Action: Replace the concrete block with steel plates front and back so kids can ride; then test
to top
completed original 2011 plan (completed)
• Done:
● added a few more signs (keep off the track; safety procedures sign; ,,....)
● fixed the dip in the east Y switch. (re-set pin , add a tie)
● re-positioned two posts and signage so the exit and entrance gates are reversed, which put the tent closer to the OAM during operations
● slotted 300 more ties for the next rail work aug 27
● built cradles for logs for the 50' rope span south of the railway crossing
● completed the connecting rail for the 3rd rail from shed to loop
● bought spikes for 3 doors bottoms, drilled holes for the spikes; added pipes in the ground to hold doors open and closed
o ground end of Mike's donated pry bar rod; installed one more scoop of mulch for the garden; replaced rough rail near the station;
June 30 as a surprise factor in the woods near the train installed
o June 18 heavy iron plate to replace bricks in the Caboose to make it ridable
o June 16 Water Wheel moved on site
o June 4 Dan, Mike, Hans, Bob, Doug and Dave installed the switch and replaced the track in the station; cut the grass; glued the Velcro on the tent valance; and Hans weeded the garden. Dan got confirmation that gravel is coming
o June 1 Moved the cedar pickets from the agriculture shed to Dave's for storage
o May 21 2013 - Dan/Mike built a switch for the 2nd track in the station and prepped some track for the shed track
• Plan: Installed a switch and second track at the station for the hand cars and second train on busy days.
Standardized the log size on the south end and elevate 6" to keep the cars back
• Action:
o build cradles for logs for the 50' span south of the railway crossing
o Move the posts and re-rope the area to include an extra 6' for the existing track in the station. Ropes will now go close to the existing log line.
(connect to the first Ag post that has tires at the bottom; leaving a good entrance for pedestrian traffic between the first two Ag posts with tires)
o Exchange larger logs on the south side where the 2nd track will be with small logs nearer the Archery fence
o Install the switch and extra track for both tracks, using weed cloth under the track
• Status: Received PEPS approval June 3;gravel coming June 6