Index of historic organizations involved with the local forest:
Note: click links on the right for details.
- Tenure Holders:
- to 1960s: Bloedel, Stewart, Welch; Powell River Company, Macmillan Bloedel, TimberWest;
- 1960-2000: Weyerhauser
- since 2000: Cascadia,
- Forest management firms:
- Road Builders: 3 Leaf Contracting
- Harvesting Contractors: Triton Logging; Tymatt Contracting, D&D Logging; Malaspina Enterprises; Powell Daniels Contracting; Pacific Thining
- Sylviculture, tree planting, brushing, windfirming:
- Trucking:
- Sawmills, Pulp and Paper, Log Sort: Catalyst;
- Value-added products: