This legacy site still works and is useful for detailed information that has not been transferred to the new website, but it is not being updated.
For the latest information, try the new site:
Drive By Lights Friday and Saturday, Dec 11 and 12 6 to 8 pm
RAILROAD: With the COVID situation, Train rides will resume on Sundays when families are invited to use the play area during Farmers Markets, hopefully in 2021.
Willingdon Beach Trail: . We completed the fall cleanup in late November
The Railroad team continues to do maintenance on the train and track.
The AGM was held electronically this year; minutes are posted here
- Rides by donation for Community through Salvation army
Train Rides Sunday every Sunday from April 26. 2020 until end September
12:30 - 2:30 pm, $2 per ride
x Train Rides Sunday every Sunday from April 28. 2019 until end September
12:30 - 2:30 pm, $2 per ride
Special days:
Fathers day June 16 - Fathers Ride Free!
Sat - Sunday Sep 15-16, Fall Fair - noon to 5 pm
Proposed ByLaw and Constitution under the new Societies Act
AGM on April 10th, 2018, 7 pm at the PR Museum admin building.
Minutes of AGM held March 21, 2017.
Minutes of meeting Sep 12, 2017
Note: the General Meeting scheduled for: February 13, 2018 , 7 pm;historical musem admin bldg
Railroad summer final ride 24 September Sunday 12:30 - 2:30 pm
. Free Rides!!
Annual Raffle!! Our winner is Catherine Johnston of Powell River. read more here
Willingdon BeachTrail cleanup in October TBA
special meeting on Santa Train to be held in November
(Santa Train held early December...)
Sep 16/17 Fall Fair - An extra train at the Railroad
Wednesday Sep 6, 0900 to noon Work party on the Trestle
Weekend Aug 19, 20 Sea Lion Raffle tickets at our PRFHS kiosk and DRAW 4pm sunday
Monday August 7 - 3:30 pm to 7:30 pm Mid Summers Night Feast - An extra train at the Railroad
Weekend July 14 - 16 Logger Sports - Sea Lion Raffle tickets at our PRFHS kiosk
Saturday July 1 - 10:30 to 13:30 Both Days this Weekend!
WBTrail work party
- Wednesday June 14, 2017
- 09:00 - 12:30; ( meet at trail South gate 0900)
- Projects include; ditch cleaning, culvert maintenace., brushing, and blowing debris off trail and trestle.
- Trimmer and blower will be available but will need shovels, rakes and pruners.
- If you know you can or can't be there, please rsvp so we can have a rough estimate of resources
Weekend May 26 - 28 Lund Shellfish Festival - Sea Lion Raffle tickets at the Powell River Museums kiosk
Agenda for Apr 25 Agenda .pdf
Minutes of AGM held March 21. Minutes of regular meetng held March 21
Railroad reopens April 30; then every Sunday - 12:30 - 2:30 pm -
Santa Train Dec 9 & 10
Sunday September 11- normal Sunday operation Crew roster
Sep 17-18 - Fall fair. noon to 5 pm both days
Sep 23-25 - Forest :History Association AGM hosted by PRFHS and PRHMA
- Minutes of March 1 General meeting
- Treasurers Report
- Trail old business and new business
- Railroad old business and new business
- Anderson Collection (it's here!! Work plan will be discussed and opportunities for PRFHS participation revealed...)
- exchange the eight 3-4" posts for 2-3" at valley (or if none in town, put in the large ones with post hole digger); build cribs
- sketch the track route and mark the elevation settings against the 50' posts to determine the % grade at various points
- continue the Track expansion project:
- Test the loco on the track
- paint the back of the new sign on McLeod Road
- use Dan's tractor to move gravel being delivered Friday (Gloslee excavator not available); then hand dig/rake as needed
- fire to clean up branches
- Re-installed the compressor, replaced the failed sensor switch (which also failed....) and fixed some plumbing leaks.
- Returned the locomotive to the park
- Tom Sparks welded connectors to 20 pieces of track rail, Dan continued drilling oval hold in remaining connectors
Following tasks were done on the 9th by Mike, Hans, Dave, Lief and Geoff:
- Remove debris and blow the track
- Used the hand cars to test the track for level, and corrected track levelness
- check tent and cars, signage, etc; be sure everything is ready to go
- Applied track cleaner where needed
- Applied some grass seed where needed to help keep the salmonberries from returning
- erected the PRFHS sign on McLeod Road
Saturdays April 2 - Work on the track continues -
Wednesday March 30 - major work on the trail continues Photos here
- Saturday Mar 26 - Railroad park 0900 hrs. Track expansion project:
- Saturday Mar 12 - double location work party
- Railroad 0900 hrs ... after many cancellations due to weather, we'll go ahead with work that can be done if still wet:
- ongoing cleanup of the area; will do a burn of smaller branches
- stack the cut felled logs
- walk the proposed track with a 100’ tape and stake/mark it at 50' intervals
- measure the length/height of a possible trestle to join the north west corner of the existing 230’ loop
- Dan will be there 0900 to 0950 hrs to set and begins tasks, but leave for the Steam Donkey for 1000 hrs
Steam Donkey 1000 hrs - if not raining
- Mount the detached engine back on the frame
- Dan bringing the tractor to lift/position the engine; will need various slings to help position the engine exactly
- Tom Sparks bringing the bracket, drill, bits, taps and 1/2" bolts
- Planning to do 3/8" pilot holes before drill/tapping the 1/2" holes
- Railroad 0900 hrs ... after many cancellations due to weather, we'll go ahead with work that can be done if still wet:
- Tuesday Mar 15 -Tuesday evening 1900 hrs work parties for the train resume -This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. click Project List
AGM, was Tuesday March 1, 2016, 7 pm, PR Museum Admin bldg
Workparty Saturday Jan 16 0900 at the park. Tasks include:
past meeting: January 12, 2016, 7 pm, PR Museum Admin bldg
There was a work party on the WBT on Thurs Jan. 07/16. Dec 11-12 - 5-8 pm Santa Train event
- Many thanks for great media coverage by PRLiving, PRPeak, and 95.7 coast radio
- Dec 7 at 1 pm Santa Train workparty
- CANCELLED Nov 28 - 0900 at the Park - expansion workparty
- Nov 21- 0900 at the Park - expansion workparty
- Oct 24 - 0900 at the Park - expansion workparty
Last Train Operation for the Season Sunday Sep 27, 12:30 to 2:30 pm Crew roster
- Rider appreciation day - FREE Rides for everyone
- Train Operation for the Public every Sunday 12:30 to 2:30 pm
- Sep 19/20 a Fall afFair noon to 3 pm Saturday and Sunday (reduced progam this year)
Sunday August 16; 1:30 to 5 pm - Arts Alive in the Park with Betty Wilson and Ron Hunter Raffle Draw was at 4 pm Sunday August 16; early bird winner Holly Coombs
- meeting of the PRFHS: was Tuesday Aug 11, 7 pm at the PRHMA Admin Bldg (June 2 meeting minutes here)
- Monday Aug 3 from 4:30 -7:30 pm - Midsummers Night Feast - steam train event
Sea Fair July 24, 25 We sold three books of tickets at our display in front of the Forestry Museum Friday evening and Saturday afternoon
- Tuesday 7 pm July 21 - work party at the park. details here
PR Scouts, who help paint the WB Trail displays, had a bottle drive in June (to July 5). Details here Help us by helping them!
- Canada Day July 1 train operation 10:30 - 1:30 (3 hours); steam locomotive, regular locomotive, plus the hand cars!
- 09:45 to 2:15 (Train: Dan, Dave, Hans, MikeL, Rob, Doug ; Tickets: Carol, Jerry, + ? )
- extras welcome mid-event in case its busy
- June 5, 1 pm Railroad grass cutting work party (Hans, Rob, Mike; others welcome.)
- June 6, 10:00 Painting work party with PR Scouts (Tina Bevins +5; Dave Florence, Leif Bjornson, Doug Lott and Geoff Stubbs)
- meet at south gate to walk in at 10:00 am
- Task: Paint part of boom boat: some white, red and black; ; part of yellow on Arch, finish lettering on Byers shovel, scrape some new item if time/people available
- Will load Doug's truck at 0945 on Marine by the campground; Dave bringing caution signs, ladders, drop sheet, paint, brushes, trays, solvent, rags, gloves from Doug, scrapers
- bring personal water and extra plastic containers from recycle - e.g.500-750 ml margarine, yogurt etc; extra scraper, gloves and rags welcome
- June 6, 1 pm; Train rides for Thereoputic Riding (Steven, Hans and Mike; others welcome.)
- June 7 train operation (Train: 2 Mikes, Hans, Bob, Stephen; others welcome; Tickets: Carol, Jerry)
Sunday April 26 First railroad operation for 2015 at 12:30. Setup at 10:00 (bringing the loco to the park)
Saturday April 18, 0900 to 1200 Railway work party
some tasks:- Bring the hand cars, track levelling tools from Dan’s- walk the track, remove large weeds, clear twigs, blow leaves- Check the track for levelness using the hand cars and levels- cut the grass, weed the garden, check signage- test the railroad crossing lights, bell- test the loco and hand cars on the track- refresher on operating/safety procedures- identify any follow-on tasks for Tuesday evening April 21 or other workpartiesprep in advance- Hans to bring the blower- Brush/grass cutting tool available from Dan’s?- Gas for the loco- let me know any items i’ve forgotten
meeting of the PRFHS Tuesday held Jan 13, 7 pm at the PRHMA Admin Bldg click for Minutes of Oct 21 meeting
- November 5 - WBTrail brushing and ditch clearing 9 am
- meeting of the PRFHS Tuesday Oct 21, 7 pm at the PRHMA Admin Bldg Minutes of Sep 9 meeting
- Saturday Oct 18 9 am at Parsons' then the the Paradise Valley Railway park to review possible train expansion routes and take the locomotive and wheelchair car to Parsons' shop for modifications over the winter
- Sep 28 12:30 - 2:30 FREE Train rides at Paradise Exhibition Park
- Sat-Sun Sep 20/21 noon to 5 pm Fall Fair train rides - no visit from Burnaby club
- Volunteer schedule (click)
- Tuesday September 9, 7 pm meeting of PRFHS; at PRHMA Admin BuildingMinutes of July 8 Meeting
- Sunday Sep 7 Forestry Museum open for the PAWS event at Willingdon Beach
- Sunday Sep 7 - 10 am - workparty for the steamer bay at the park (prior to the regular operation at 12:30)
Monday Aug 4, 4:30 - dusk Midsummers Night Feast; Steam train operation
Saturday July 26 10:30 Float in the Sea Fair Parade
- Friday - Sunday Jul 25-27 Tent/raffle tickets selling in front of the museum
- Sea Fair float preparation. On Tuesday Jul 22, Dan, Hans, Mike and Dave:
- Mounted ties and 20' of rail on Dan's trailer
- began decorating with canvas, mulch, logs
At the work party Tuesday July 15, Dan, Mike Hans and Dave
- cut the grass,
- raised the track near the station about 2" and fully ballasted it;
- ground down one bumpy connector,
- added gravel to low spots near the tent and walkway
- Tuesday July 8, 7-9 pm. regular meeting Minutes of May 27 meeting
- Tuesday July 1, 10:30 - 2:30; Steam train on Canada Day with the Farmers Market
- Saturday June 28, 12:30-4:30 Museum open daily for the summer
- Saturday June 7 Farewell Dinner - Rudi an Zwaaij
- May 31 Museum setup work party for the season
- April 29 - first day of train operation