In April 2016, while landscaping the improved logger sports site next to the Forestry Museum, the Logger Sports volunteers unearthed a railroad tie plate. About 15" long, it was probably used in a railroad track switch. It features a 7" wear plate for the switch points, pressed or hammered out from the flat iron stock (this was way before welding). It held very light rail: only 3 1/2" at the base, indicating about 50 lb/yard rail.
It could have come from the nearby Michigan Landing railroad log dump that operated from 1910 to 1918, or from some other local location when fill was brought in to build the original logger sports site.
The artifact will be turned over to the Forestry Museum.
Clearly we haven't found "the last spike" as surmised here. We found one while digging culverts in late March.
In 2011 we moved storage items from the Tuba property to two stalls in Lynda Parsons' barn.
With all the rain recently, the horses asked for their stalls back, so we moved many of the items back to the Forestry museum, and disposed of other items.
Thanks to Dan, Mike L, Geoff and Dave F for the work Feb 27, joined by Phil Kemp and Doug Lott on Feb 29
Thanks to Phil Kemp for the Feb 27/29 photos here
Some years ago Bill Leithead, an Eastope engine collector from Alberta, gave us a generous donation for what we thought was an extra Eastope engine from our storage shed, and promised to send us photos of the restored engine. Recently Bill sent along:
".... attached is a photo of the engine,.... nearly complete and currently stored in a Quonset which has poor lighting, The surprise was that I thought the engine was an Easthope.. However, after cleaning several layers of dried oil, grease, grim and corruption I found out that the engine was made by The Wonder Pump and Engine Company, located in Vancouver. Very little is known about this company and it is not registered in any of the old engine reference books. I was able to find some information from a fellow in Abbotsford, who had the same manufacturer but was an 8 hp power unit. So as far as this fellow and I know, there only appears to be two known to exist.
The piston, connecting rod, timing gears were all stamped "Ford". The Lubrication was flood type lubrication from a drip oiler. the over flow was from the crankcase went on the boat floor. That explains the grime on the engine. Must have been a well preserved boat from the inside. The ignition is spark plug with a cumo timer, with a battery and buzz coil. The engine is four cycle which was not common for small marine engines. Engine speed was either idle or full throttle as there is no governor with this engine. I have yet to get the correct carburetor for the engine, that is the only out standing item. The carb I have installed is for a Cushman Binder engine of the same size, I have fixed the carb, butterfly valve in a fixed position. It has been a very interesting engine to work on, and when other engine restorers hear about it make them scratch their heads."
Brian Crilley added more information: "In regards to the engine that is in the photo, the motor was in a boat that was used on Haslam lake. Charlie Parsons brought the engine along with the jealous structure to the museum as a display piece. The motor vintage is around 1915-1920. Originally it had a sheibler carburetor on it. Who owned it on Haslam Lake I have no idea. Similar engines built about the same time we're estopes and in 1914 they came out with the same single actuated exhaust valve at the museum. Yes that wonder engine is very much a rarity. Regards Brian "
Sharon Taylor, lead attendant of the Forestry Museum, in the modernized foyer with its expanded gift shop. This is the first of many improvements under the new PR Historical Museum management .
As an experiment, the Forestry Museum was open in September 2015.
Bert Finnamore, Heritage Manager at PRHMA experimented with having Sliammon carvers demonstrate their craft on the Forestry Museum steps, and intends to continue the practice next summer.
Last Spike? Rudi van Zwaaij found a spike on the Willingdon Beach Trail in May 2014; we added it to the railroad cubicle in the south east corner.
Forestry Museum Changes Leadership
On the labour day weekend, the last of the daily openings for the season for 2014, a small group of members gathered to note the transition of the operation to the PR Museum.

Museum Consolidation
At the May 27 members' meeting, Lee Coulter and Dave Florence sign the agreement to consolidate the Forestry Museum collection with the PRHMA collection to be effective Sep 1, 2014.
Bert Finnamore described the process we went though to make the agreement.
more photos here; thanks to Teedie Kagume for the pix
The re-named Society continues to have 3 main areas of interest:
- Willingdon Beach Trail (artifacts, brush/ditch clearing, windfall management)
- Paradise Valley Railroad (operation and development)
- Forestry Museum (in support of the PRHMA's operation beginning Sep 1, 2014)
National Fitness Day
On June 7 Sharon Taylor (left) opened the Forestry Museum to stamp the Willingdon Beach Trail space on the Rec Centre Passport.
Patti Coburn (right). PR Rec Centre, organized the walk-or-ride passport as Powell part of National Fitness Day.
Museum Set-up
Sharon Taylor, Stephen James, Chet Fee, Bert Finnamore, Mike Lister, Geoff Stubbs and Hans Maurer at the Forestry Museum setup work party May 31.2014.
Photos stored in the heated office were installed, some cleanup done, birds and electronics installed.
Dave Florence took the photo.