Many watersheds are in the Haslam Landscape Unit (LU); divided here into:
The HaslamLake-Duck Lake-Lang Creek watershed (click) and
Other coastal watersheds (click) between Powell Lake and Whittall Creek
Haslam Lake-Duck Lake-Lang Creek watershed
This forest is Powell River's most accessible forest. It is managed in partnership with the province by a wide variety of tenure holders:
- Powell River Community Forest (light grey) & Tla'amin Community Forest (grey)
- TFL 39, WFP - a small patch along Powell Lake north of Inand lake (other Haslam areas removed as part of the 20% Takeback)
- Tla'amin Treaty land (brown)
- Timber Supply areas managed by the Ministry of Forests; with stewardship by BC Timber Sales (light green)
- several woodlots; the largest being Westlake Woodlands (yellow), and
- several private Managed Forests; including land owned by Island Timberlands
- private lands, including the City (white)
Heritage highlights
- historic Railroads - Lang Creek (4 railroads)
- Duck Lake protected area and trails
- Inland Lake Provincial Park;
- City Parks
- Paradise Exhibition Park (miniature Railway, Horse Riding)
Salmon enhancement
- Powell River Salmon Society has three sites here: mouth of Lang Creek; Duck Lake Hatchery; and Duck lake pens (+ one at Catlyst Paper)
- Maps...
- Onsite links: Powell River Community Forest .
Quote from the " 1999 Haslam Lake and Lang Creek Integrated Watershed Management Plan"
2.4 (page 22)The Haslam Lake/Lang Creek watershed is located within the Powell Provincial Forest of the Sunshine Coast Forest District. Historic forestry activities have been ongoing since the early 1890’s.
A railhead was established at Haslam Lake by 1918 which allowed for the removal of significant volumes of timber from the watershed. The shores of Haslam Lake were hand logged and logs skidded directly into the lake. Large volumes of debris were left behind in the operations as only the highest value Douglas fir were removed.
In 1922 the most disastrous fire in Powell River history swept through the watershed. By 1926 the first pass of logging within the watershed was completed, and in the following decades only minor logging and industrial activity continued.
From the 1960’s to 1980’s some limited harvesting occurred in the Mount Mahoney/Sonja Lakes and Granite Lake area. In 1985, Canadian Pacific Forest Products (later Doman-Western Lumber Ltd.) was granted a chart area in the watershed and active logging began again shortly thereafter. In 1989, the MOF Small Business Forest Enterprise Program (SBFEP) charted a portion of the west side of Haslam Lake. In 1996, Coast Mountain Hardwoods was granted a 15 year non-renewable deciduous forest licence over DomanWestern’s and MOF-SBFEP coniferous license chart areas.
(1999) forest licenses in the watershed included Doman-Western Lumber Ltd.(later Western Forest Products), MacMillan Bloedel (later Weyerhauser, Cascadia and then WFP), MOF-Small Business FEP and Coast Mountain Hardwoods (CMH) (Figure 2).
- There is no Haslam LU plan in the ministry series ofLU documents, perhaps because most of the land is managed as forest tunures, and the tenure holder prepares stewardship plans.
- 2015 Haslam Lake study CWAP update 2015
The BC MoF "Haslam" Landscape Unit (LU) contains coastal plain watersheds as well as the large Haslam Lake watershed.
A drive down Highway 101 from Powell River Townsite creeks past Lang Creek takes one through the coastal watersheds of Haslam LU.
Millenium Park - Cranberry Lake (trails map thanks to PR Cycling Association)
- Cutthroat creek west of Millenium Park;
- Wys Creek (under theTrestle of the Willingdon Beach trail)
- McFall Creek (from Cranberry Lake through Millennium Park and the Campbground to the start of the Willingdon Beach Trail)
- McPhail Creek (from Marine Ave. past the complex; "Willingdon Creek Trail")
- Myrtle Creek - Hammil Lake - through Paradise Valley to Mytrtle Rocks, with its rich logging history by Bloedel, Stewart and Welch
- Deighton Creek - through the Golf Course
- Kelly Creek - from East Lake into Brew Bay
- Haslam watershed
- Whittall Creek - into the south end of Lang Bay
- Heritage highlights
- historic Railroads
- Willingdon Beach Trail (Michigan and Puget Sound)
- Paradise Valley Railroad (Bloedel, Stewart and Welch)
- Four Lang Creek Railroads
- historic Railroads
- Recreation
- Access
- Maps...