- Related Names: Timberline Resources Ltd, Westlake Woodlands, G.D.F Ventures Ltd, Tideline Services Ltd
- Years: .... - present
- Activity: Tenure holder
- woodlot licences 0029 and 1671; 1000 hectares crown; 244 ha. private
- Activity: Harvest Contractor; Custom Milling; Land Clearing; Selective Logging
- Services: pre-poling ~ land clearing ~ road building; small scale forest management; stump to dump logging
- Sales cedar ~ fir ~ alder ~ saw logs; float and breakwater logs; firewood ~ custom milling
- 2014-2015 logging PRCF block H214 2012 - 2014; poling block 120
- Major Equipment:
- People: Owned by Ron and Doug Fuller
- October 2015 - Ron and Doug received Coast and BC award for Innovation and Excellence in Woodlot Management ministry press release
- Links:
- http://westlakewoodlands.com/ company website
- page 14; Ferns-fallers June 2014 magazine story
- map link (thumbnail shown right)