- Years: 2003 - present.
- Mandate: BCTimber Sale (BCTS) was created to provide cost and price benchmarks for timber from crown land (more below).
- operates much like an industry tenure holder, so is included in the industry section as well as the Government Organizations section
- Activity: Tenure holder for several large patches of crown land in the Powell River Forest
Pacific Timber Supply Area - Powell River's portion is areas taken from TFL 39 in 2009- (Mt Troubridge and Freil Lake areas around Hotham Sound; patch between Horseshoe Lake and Dodd Lake; and Theodosia block)
several blocks in the Haslam Landscape unit
- Comments:
- Sep 1 2015: local BCTS office realigned to the Chinook Chilliwack TimberSales office from Campbell River office
- Links: Website
- Contact email: .This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
- about BC Timbersales
- BC Government department with mandate to provide the cost and price benchmarks for timber harvested from public land in British Columbia.
- BCTS manages some 20 percent of the provincial Crown allowable annual cut.
- BCTS is one of the largest planters of trees in British Columbia, with 458 million seedlings planted in its first eleven years. The commitment to forest management excellence includes maintaining certification of an Environmental Management System in all Business Areas under the International Organization for Standardization (ISO 14001) and Sustainable Forest Management (SFM) certification over 100% of its operating areas.
- From a 2008/9 Forest Practices Board Audit, "The audit assessed more than 30 cutblocks, over 300 kilometres of road activities and obligations, 89 bridges and associated operational planning of the BCTS program and its timber sale licence holders."
- Example awards
- 2015 BCTS awarded Probyn Log Ltd TSL A84892; 259 acres of timber; 94,769 cubic metres Peak Article