Years: ...- present
- Activity: Tenure Holder
- Klahoose Community Forest; (former Interfor's TFL 10)
- peak story on the Klahoose aquistion of TFL 10
- forestry arm of Qather Xwegus
- also has forestry interests on Cortez Island
- Links:
- Comments: manages forestry matters for the Klahoose Development Corporation.
- Years: 2007 - present
- Activity: Harvesting Contractor - 50% partnership with Goat Lake Forest Products; harvesting arm of Thichum Forest Products.
- Sliammon Community Forest;
- Sliammon Woodlot 3000 m3
- a Forest Licence
- Powell River Community Forest -- Cutblock H216 in 2015;
- Major Equipment:
Links: Thichum Forest Products
- Years: 2004 - present
- Activity: Tenure holder
- Manages the Powell River "flagship" tenure, TFL 39, Block 1 (read details in Stillwater Timberlands)
- People: Local Manager Ken McKenzie
- Comments: WFP and all predessesors (Stillwater Timberlands) has been a PRFHS Platinum sponsor since 1986
- formed from assets of Doman via Brookfield ; then bought Cascadia. coastal industry restructure described in this BC Logger story - page 44. Brookfield retains 49% ownership
- Links:
- Years: ... - present
- Activity:
- 2007 WR08TCC017 BC Timber Sales contract WASTE & RESIDUE SURVEYS,
- .
- People: Dave Lechner
- Comments:
- Links:
Related Names: Timberline Resources Ltd, Westlake Woodlands, G.D.F Ventures Ltd, Tideline Services Ltd
- Years: .... - present
- Activity: Tenure holder
- woodlot licences 0029 and 1671; 1000 hectares crown; 244 ha. private
- Activity: Harvest Contractor; Custom Milling; Land Clearing; Selective Logging
- Services: pre-poling ~ land clearing ~ road building; small scale forest management; stump to dump logging
- Sales cedar ~ fir ~ alder ~ saw logs; float and breakwater logs; firewood ~ custom milling
- 2014-2015 logging PRCF block H214 2012 - 2014; poling block 120
- Major Equipment:
- People: Owned by Ron and Doug Fuller
- October 2015 - Ron and Doug received Coast and BC award for Innovation and Excellence in Woodlot Management ministry press release
- Links:
- http://westlakewoodlands.com/ company website
- page 14; Ferns-fallers June 2014 magazine story
- map link (thumbnail shown right)
- Years: ... - present
- Activity: Harvest Contractor
- Contractor for PR Community Forest
- fall 2015 - logging cutblock H208 located along the Green Road
- Contractor for PR Community Forest
- People: owner: Doug Fuller
- Years: 1973 - present
- Activity: fish hatchery, tanks, processing, and development of containment tanks
- bought in 2013 by Agri Marine
- Links:
located in the Lois Landscape unit
Years: 2000 - present
- Activity: Underwater Harvesting Specialist
- Activity: Harvesting Contractor; doing development/testing in Powell River
- Links: http://www.tritonlogging.com/
located in the Lois Landscape unit
Comments: maintains a barge on Lois Lake for future develpment testing; last active here in 2005.
Logging and Sawmill Journal published this story in 2004 (click)
Triton Logging Inc., based in Sannichton, BC is a world class underwater harvesting specialist that did its development testing in Lois Lake circa 2003. It operates globally, with no current north american operations due to market pricing.
Sawfish: a tethered, electric-over-hydraulic, remote-operated vehicle that’s the size of a minivan, with a 55 in. chainsaw to harvest trees 328 ft. below the surface. Because waterlogged wood does not float, the Sawfish attaches and inflates air bags that lift the cut logs to the surface for collection.
SHARC: a barge-based harvester for shallow depths. Learn more at http://www.tritonlogging.com/ or watch the Youtube video below.
...from the Peak article in 2010: "Powell River is Triton’s operations and technology development centre, said Hayhurst. The company mostly uses Lois Lake as a testing area, he added, and it remains important to Triton because it is such an accessible reservoir. “Most of our activities this coming year will be focused on Ghana, but we’ll continue to develop and test our equipment in Powell River.” Triton has a barge near Lois Lake Dam.
Logging and Sawmill Journal published this story in 2004 (click)
- Years: 2006 - present
- Activity: Area Based Tenure holder
- People: ; 9 Board members; Chris Lang, owner RBMG
- Links: PRCF websiteReport to the public 2014
- Onsite links: Landscape/Watershed info
- Name: Macmillan Bloedel
- Years: in Powell River 1959 - 1999
- 1951 (merged with Bloedel Stewart)
- 1959 Macmillan Bloedel and Powell River Ltd
- 1967 Macmillan Bloedel renowned reverse takeover
- 1999 sold to Weyerhaueser
- Activity: full phase logging processing manufacturing etc
- People:
Links: wikipedia
In 1951 Bloedel, Stewart and Welch merged with H.R. MacMillan to form MacMillan Bloedel Limited. The two companies had timber holdings side-by-side and there was a natural synergy from this merger. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/MacMillan_Bloedel
Name: D&D Logging
- Years: defunct?
- Activity:
- story of the firm in good days in 2005 from Logging/Sawmill journal
- Major Equipment
- People: Darren Brown
D&D Logging
Prior to their involvement with D & D, Rothwell and Randle were both working at A Byrne Trucking, owned by Rothwell’s father-in-law, Andy Byrne. The three men—Rothwell, Rangle and Byrne—bought D & D in 1988.
2005 “With the work we do, we fall, we process, we dryland sort, we boom, we build everything,” says Rothwell. “We’re a small company, but we’ve got enough equipment to do all that we need to do.” Today, the D & D equipment line-up includes a Madill 122 grapple yarder, two Cat front end loaders, a 4300 Link-Belt log loader, four excavators (two 3400 Link-Belts, a 290 Link-Belt and a John Deere 2554), and a Link-Belt 3400 High Walker with a 750 LogMax processor in addition to the new Madill/LogMax combo, and a variety of low bed and gravel truck equipment.
Name: Kip Brown Trucking
- Years: 1964 to present
- Activity: Trucking Contractor
- initially formed to haul logs for Pacific Thining and Olympic Log Sort
- "in 2006 had 29 trucks, and hauled 500,000 cubic metres, primarily for those two companies, mostly around the Powell River area" from Logging/Sawmill journal
- See Doug Lucas photos of Kip Brown Trucks
- Major Equipment:
- People: Kip Brown and family
sources: http://forestnet.com/archives/Dec_Jan_06/bc_contractor_profile.htm
- Name: Malaspina Enterprises
- Years: defunct?
- Activity: Trucking Contractor , full phase logging and processing
- story of the firm in good days in 2006 from Logging/Sawmill journal
- story in the Truck Logger Associaton journal commenting on financial problems
- People: Darren Brown