The Powell River Forestry Heritage Society (PRFHS) was renamed in 2014 from the PR Forestry Museum Society, formed in1986.
It is a non-profit society dedicated to the education, preservation and public awareness of the colourful forestry heritage of the Powell River area.
Terminology we use:
- Forestry is “ the science and practice of managing and caring for forests: balancing industry, cultural, and recreational uses; ”
- History: “information about the past”
- Heritage: “Those things including information from the past which are valued enough today to save for future generations”
This wheelchair-accessible 1.2km flat trail was a railway grade from 1910-1918. Interpretation signs point out the flora, fauna and other items of interest. Trailhead: park near the Forestry Museum (4815 Marine Avenue); walk to the beach and go north through the campground. |
The 800' of 7.5" guage track supports rolling stock at about 1/5 scale including a gas locomotive, tender, 3 ride-a-stride cars, a wheelchair car, and a caboose. About 100 people ride the train each Sunday from May to September; plus special shows with steam trains on July 1, BC Day (first Monday August), and Fall Fair (third weekend September). |
![]() We continue to support, but no longer own the Forestry Museum which is located at Willingdon Beach, 4815 Marine Ave, Powell River. To gain efficiences, after the 2014 season, the Society turned over ownership and operation of the Forestry Museum to the Powell River Historical Museum and Archives (PRHMA), located across the street. We hope that one day Powell River will have a museum that combines the current assets of both museums, plus expansions to include more First Nations material, natural history, and other functions found in modern museums; and we will support PRHMA as they develop that vision. The Forestry Museum is open during the summer on a regular basis. (noon to 4 p.m. daily beginning in May). From September to June they are open by appointment for groups or researchers with special interests. School and bus tours are welcome. |
PR Heritage Society: If you wish, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. (updates 2-5 per month) membership application/donation form please This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. about membership, becoming a friend or sponsor, activities, or other matters. Details on the work we do can be read on our document Approved Goals 2017/18 Proposed ByLaw and Constitution under the new Societies Act
GovernanceThe officers of the PRFHS elected at the AGM in March 2017 are: