
Farewell to Rudi van Zwaaij.

At an dinner event attended by 32 Forestry Museum Society members and friends, we said our formal goodbye to Rudi.

We inducted him as an honorary member. (plaque to the right)

More photos here. Thanks to Stephen and Dave for the photos

Attendees: Rudi van Zwaaij, Gerri Parsons, Robert Lacey, Bert-Clair Finnamore, Teedie Kagume, Jim-Karen Southern, Ken Gordon&Eileen, Bob Rourke, Jack-Sheila McCuish, Chet-Muriel Fee, Geoff-Dawn Stubbs, Sharon Taylor, Richard Parker, Hans-Carol Maurer, Dan Parsons, Bill-Barb McKay, Jerry-Ann Oszust, Stephen-Shawna James, Bob-Cathy McLean, Dave-Linda Florence. Regrets from: Phil-Marian Kemp, Eagle-Laura Walz, Bob-Laura Johnson, Betty Wilson, Clint-Tina Bevans, Brian-Marlene Crilly, Doug – Melanie Lott, Ron Hunter.